Make it Eigo Blog

Translations of Japanese media into English for language study

ゲスの極み乙女。 - 私以外私じゃないの 英語

Artist: Gesu no Kiwami Otome

Translation by: Mr. Ring

私以外私じゃないの There’s no one like me. (Except me, it's not me!)

ゲスの極み乙女。 - 私以外私じゃないの

私以外私じゃないの There’s no one like me. (Except me, it's not me!)

冴えない顔で泣いちゃった夜を重ねてI've piled up night after night of sullen and weeping faces,


I even added today to my unremitting lifestyle

良くなりそうな明日に期待する度に Whenever I expect that there will be a better tomorrow,

何度も今日を鏡台の裏に隠した I've hidden many todays behind the dresser.

映る私は何回も瞬きしては As my reflection blinks

変わる心に簡単に動揺したわ I easily tremble at how the heart changes.

だけど意外と目を瞑った瞬間にUnexpectedly however, in the moment I shut my eyes

悪くないなって思いながら明日を悟ったんだ while thinking this ain't bad, tomorrow dawns on me.

私以外私じゃないの There’s no one like me. (Except me, it's not me!)

当たり前だけどねIt seems so obvious, right? But

だから報われない気持ちも整理して生きていたいの普通でしょう?Does that mean it is normal to want to live fixing even unrewarded feelings?

殻を破った気になってる誰かの声がしたけどThere is the voice of someone wanting to break out of their shell

殻にこもったはずだった私はもうそこにはいない However, I expected I’d been shut up in that shell, but I'm not there anymore. 

私になってみてよ、ねえ Just try to be me, okay?

私になってみたいんでしょ? You know you want to, right?

声にならない言葉で自分が煙に巻かれた I am enveloped by smoke with words that will not be voiced.恥ずかしくて言えないけどI’m ashamed to say it, but

私にしか守れないものを身を削って紡いだら If I go around and waste away protecting what only I can protect,

案外さ、悪くないかもよ it might be atypical, but perhaps not so bad.

私以外私じゃないのThere’s no one like me. (Except me, it's not me!)

当たり前だけどねIt seems so obvious, right? But

だから報われない気持ちも整理して生きていたいと思うのよThat’s why I want to live fixing even the unrewarded feelings.

私以外私じゃないの There’s no one like me. (Except me, it's not me!)

誰も替われないわNo one can take my place.

今日を取り出して逃げないようにしてTake hold of the day, make sure it doesn’t get away.

明日に投げ込んで目を開けたんだ Throw it into tomorrow and open your eyes. 

私以外私じゃないの There’s no one like me. (Except me, it's not me!)

どうやらあなたもそうAnd it seems you’re the same.

誰も替われないってことみたいねLooks like no one can take your place.

背を向けて言い合ったWe said to each turned our backs and said

だから私はもう怖くないんだ夜更け過ぎを待つわI’m gonna wait past the middle of the night

今日も報われない気持ちを整理して生きてたいって思うのAgain today, I thought I wanted to live fixing even the unrewarded feelings.

息を吸い込んだAnd breathed it in.